Montag, 7. Januar 2019

What comes next for Microsoft - a C-Level perception

I published two Whitepapers about this topic:
  • The Microsoft Cloud Services - what is next after the peak
  • The Microsoft Cloud – A CFO perspective

Both papers belong to each other but can also be use separately.


Sneak Preview: The Microsoft Cloud Services - what is next after the peak

When it's on the first page of the newspaper, the hype is already over. That's an old stock market wisdom.
How and where the big cloud trends are heading
"In times of digital change, cloud computing is now the primary option, not just one of many", says Gartner Analyst Gregor Petri. As an orientation for CIOs and other IT decision-makers, Gartner has evaluated the different cloud technologies and characteristics in the Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing 2018.
In summary, Gartner sees the following trends for the near future:
Serverless PaaS and immutable Infrastructure: The IT infrastructure is an essential prerequisite for using the cloud. The IT infrastructure of the future will (have to) be more flexible. High availability, Always On, low latency and agile adaptation…

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Sneak Preview: The Microsoft Cloud – A CFO perspective

On-prem, Hybrid or Cloud Only
By 2020, many software companies will replace their cloud-first strategy with a cloud-only strategy, predicts Gartner. "Apart from the fact that many organizations with a no cloud policy still use cloud applications, such a strategy is becoming increasingly untenable," explains Jeffrey Mann, Research Vice President at Gartner. And Yefim V. Natis, Vice President and Gartner Fellow says: "More and more Leading Egde IT features will soon only be available in the cloud.”
As data, applications and processes will still be based and hosted on older technologies, the need for hybrid cloud solutions will also increase. Many companies…

Download the complete Whitepaper for free and without any registration or read it online.

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