Samstag, 12. November 2016

Opt-in as a default for Delve

UPDATE: Sinc Jun 2017 this methode will not longer work!

Standard option for Delve in Office 365 is an opt-out option for each user. Details can be found in this Microsoft support article: Office Delve for Office 365 admins

A lot of scenarios with customers focusing on an option to not have Delve active per default for each user. In this scenario, an opt-in behavior for the end-users is the expected experience.

The high level requirements:
  • Initially disable Delve for each and every enrolled O356 User
  • For all new enrolled users Delve should be opt-out by defaul

This can be done disabling the access to the Office Graph in SharePoint Online Admin portal:

To enable the access to Delve only for some users we can use the property “OfficeGraphEnabled” in the UserProfile Service of SharePoint Online.
Default this property is not set which result in Delve is visible for every user.
Using CSOM or CSOM with PowerShell we can set this property to “FALSE”. The result is:
  • Every user sees Delve in his App Launcher in Office 365
  • If he clicks on Delve he only gets his Delve profile page. No “Suggested People” or content cards etc. is shown
  • The user can opt-in Delve on his own
  • General access to the Office Graph must be enabled in this scenario
Doing this the result for the user looks like this:

Write and Get User Profile Properties in SharePoint Online with PowerShell

To Write and Get of User Profile properties in SharePoint Online via PowerShell with CSOM you can use that script: Script to Write and Get User Profile Properties in SharePoint Online with CSOM
Based on this the command to set the property OfficeGraphEnabled to FALSE is:

.\Set-SPOUserProfileProperty.ps1 -PropertyName OfficeGraphEnabled -AccountName %USERNAME%@%YOUR' -Value "FALSE" -SPOAdminPortalUrl 'https://%YOUR' -UserName %ADMIN ACCOUNT%@%YOUR -Password xxxxxxxxx

To avoid the users to opt-in Delve we can set the property “OfficeGraphEnabled” in the UserProfile Service of SharePoint Online to “cannot be edit by user”.
Doings this the user cannot opt-in Delve on his own to see “Suggested People” or content cards etc. Only a Admin can opt-in Delve for the users.

NOTE that Delve and the Office Graph is based on user interaction with content and other people in the Office 365. So if only some users use it the results can be disappointing.

Delve and the Office Graph in a real World scenario

Short video interview about Delve and the Office Graph in a real World scenario

In this customer success story Delve is a main part of the new Intranet built on Office 365. More details can be found in this article: Natural cosmetics company cultivates holistic culture and collaboration with Office 365