
Mittwoch, 30. November 2011

Der SharePoint Adventskalender 2012

....der SharePoint Adventskalender 2012 ist online….: :-)

Dienstag, 29. November 2011

Session stuff: Unleash the Power of SharePoint Search with Powershell

Here are the scripts from my PowerShell session at Collaboration Day 2011….:

#Unterschiede zwischen Search und FAST cmdlets:
get-help get-FASTSearchMetadataManagedProperty -examples
get-help get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -examples

#Überblick verschaffen mit:
Get-SPSearchService | select *
Get-SPSearchServiceInstance | select *

#Ping the Search / FAST mit (Send a request to the default content distributor): 
Ping-SPEnterpriseSearchContentService -HostName ""

#Übersicht über alle Search Applications:

#Properties mappen
Get-FASTSearchMetadataCrawledProperty -filter VorAngelegtVon
Get-FASTSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Name Author
#$vm = Get-FASTSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Name Author
#$vc = Get-FASTSearchMetadataCrawledProperty -filter VorAngelegtVon
#New-FASTSearchMetadataCrawledPropertyMapping -Managedproperty $vm crawledproperty $vc
Get-FASTSearchMetadataCrawledPropertyMapping  -name Author

#Calling KeywordQuery class
$searchSite = "http://intranet"
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite $searchSite
$vc = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.KeywordQuery $site
$vc.ResultsProvider = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.SearchProvider]::FASTSearch
$vc.ResultTypes = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults
#In my case I enabled the FQL syntax and set some other parameters:
$vc.EnableFQL = $true # enable FQL
$vc.RowLimit = 2 # sets the limit of results
$vc.StartRow = 0 # 0 is the default
#Next step is the query, in my case a simple query searching for the term “backup”
#Query / Result
$vc.QueryText = "backup"
$results = $vc.Execute()
write-host "Ergebiss:" -F blue
#Print out the results details:
#result details
$resultTable = $results.Item([Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults)
$rows = $resultTable.Table.Rows
#And getting the properties of each result:
#Each result with properties
write-host "Details:" -F blue
#This is just interesting and nice, especially getting all the property from the
#“HitHighlightedSummary” and the “HitHighlighted” Property fields.
#finding out with filetyps that are in the resultset and how they are distributed
$searchSite = "http://intranet"
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite $searchSite
$vc = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.KeywordQuery $site
$vc.ResultsProvider = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.SearchProvider]::FASTSearch
$vc.ResultTypes = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults
$vc.RowLimit = 1000
# Query String: the "%%" means to search everything, the "-aspx -bdc3 –file" filters to near only documents
$vc.QueryText = "%% -aspx -bdc3 -file"
$results = $vc.Execute()
$resultTable = $results.Item([Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults)
$rows = $resultTable.Table.Rows
$rows| Group-Object FileExtension| Sort-Object count -descending |Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Name,count
$rows| Measure-Object Size -Average -Sum -Maximum –Minimum

#Neues Rank Profil anlegen um PDF Dokumente höher zu gewichten:
$rp = Get-FASTSearchMetadataRankProfile -name default
$nrp = New-FASTSearchMetadataRankProfile -name pdf -template $rp
$fileext = Get-FASTSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Name fileextension
$nrp.CreateManagedPropertyBoostComponent($fileext, "pdf,-200000")
Remove-FASTSearchMetadataRankProfile -name pdf

#FullText Index
Get-FASTSearchMetadataFullTextIndex -Name content
Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope -SearchApplication "FastQuery"
#New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope ..... -ExtendedSearchFilter "FullTextIndex=<FullTextIndex>".....
any further question etc.... just mail....

Sonntag, 20. November 2011

Query Search (FAST) with PowerShell

A nice and easy way to send queries to you SharePoint Search Server (in this example FAST Search Server) using PowerShell. Of cause this is not an option getting results to work with if your scope is the content. But it is a very useful way getting statistics, summaries etc, Have a look at some property details or something else.
First we have to do is calling the needed .net class and create an object based on it:
#Calling KeywordQuery class
$searchSite = "http://intranet"
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite $searchSite
$vc =
New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.KeywordQuery $site
$vc.ResultsProvider = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.SearchProvider]::FASTSearch
$vc.ResultTypes = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults
In my case I enabled the FQL syntax and set some other parameters:
$vc.EnableFQL = $true # enable FQL
$vc.RowLimit = 2 # sets the limit of results
$vc.StartRow = 0 # 0 is the default

Next step is the query, in my case a simple query searching for the term “backup”

#Query / Result
$vc.QueryText = "backup"
$results = $vc.Execute()
write-host "Ergebiss:"  -F red

Print out the results details:

#result details
$resultTable = $results.Item([Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults)
$rows = $resultTable.Table.Rows

And getting the properties of each result:

#Each result with properties
write-host "Details:"  -F red

This is just interesting and nice, especially getting all the property from the “HitHighlightedSummary” and the “HitHighlighted” Property fields. But bases on this script, you can also do some other useful things, for example: finding out with filetyps that are in the resultset and how they are distributed

$searchSite = "http://intranet"
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite $searchSite
$vc =
New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.KeywordQuery $site
$vc.ResultsProvider = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.SearchProvider]::FASTSearch
$vc.ResultTypes = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults
$vc.RowLimit = 1000
# Query String: the "%%" means to search everything, the "-aspx -bdc3 –file" filters to near only documents
$vc.QueryText = "%% -aspx -bdc3 -file"
$results = $vc.Execute()
$resultTable = $results.Item([Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.ResultType]::RelevantResults)
$rows = $resultTable.Table.Rows
$rows| Group-Object FileExtension| Sort-Object count -descending |Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Name,count,Size
$rows| Measure-Object Size  -Average -Sum -Maximum –Minimum

Output looks like:

Name    Count
----    -----
HTML       53
DOC        42
DOCX       20
XLSX       12
PPTX       10
PPSDC       4
VDW         3
XAP         2
XLS         2
ONETOC2     2
XML         2
VSD         2
TXT         1
ONE         1

Count    : 157
Average  : 201299,133757962
Sum      : 31603964
Maximum  : 9711217
Minimum  : 0
Property : Size

Be careful with the “$vc.RowLimit” parameter, just getting the first 1000 or let’s say 10000 entities gives you a good overview and won’t stress you SearchServer too much…
Have fun playing around with it.

PS: Script based on a post from Harald S. Fianbakken, I corrected some syntax error and add some own ideas etc…